This dissertation consists of five chapters. First chapter studies the life and works of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. It is divided into two main sections; first section examines Nursi’s life with particular focus on the formation of his personality. The method adopted to explain Nursi’s biography is thematic instead of chronological in which it has been tried to trace different developments and formation of his thoughts according to the changes in circumstances. At the end of first section a brief introduction of his works written in Old Said phase has been given. Second section provides the introduction of Risale-i Nur along with elaboration of the unique structure and volume wise introduction of main topics of Risale-i Nur. This chapter examines Old Said and New Said written works separately while explaining which of Nursi’s Old Said works were later included by him as part of Risale-i Nur.Second chapter explores reasons of Ottoman Empire’s decline in general and Nursi’s perspective in particular. For Nursi’s view on Muslims’ decline, a combined study of Damascus Sermon and other sources where Nursi explained the reasons of Muslims’ decline has been presented in the chapter. It also examines Nursi’s approach of reconstruction and his thought process of finding appropriate methodology for Reconstruction of Society. In the end it outlines the role of Risale-i Nur in the days of Government’s hostility and anti religious measures.A worth mentioning point here is Nursi’s key method in Risale-i Nur ‘belief through investigation’ has been examined in this dissertation with two perspectives: ‘Belief through investigation’ on human’s outer world and ‘belief through investigation’ in man’s inner world. The dissertation has been structured in such a way that it does not discuss both these perspectives side by side, rather examines them at different places according to the context. This will be further clear in following structure elaboration.Third chapter examines Nursi’s efforts for reconstruction in educational area. It is divided into two main sections. First section outlines Nursi’s objectives to establish the University Medresetu’z-Zehra along with the details of his efforts for the establishment and construction of this university. The last part of the section examines how Nursi’s lifelong struggle of Medresetu’z-Zehra turned into Medrese-i Nuriye in second phase of his life. Second section explores the objectives Nursi achieved through Risale-i Nur which he intended to achieve through Medresetu’z-Zehra i.e. Synthesis of science and religion, revitalization of tafsir and kalam (here Nursi’s notion of belief through investigation on outer world has also been discussed) and integration of spirituality in Risale-i Nur.Fourth chapter outlines Nursi’s endeavors for reconstruction in social and political areas. It examines Nursi’s efforts in three different phases of his life so it is divided into three sections: Nursi’s endeavors for socio-political reconstruction of society in Old Said period, Nursi and struggle for socio-political reconstruction in New Said phase, and Nursi on socio-political reconstruction in Third Said phase. This chapter also examines Nursi’s concept of jihad and his indifference to politics.Fifth chapter ‘Revitalization of belief and spiritual training of individuals through Risale-i Nur’ examines two different dimensions of spiritual training of individuals which Nursi suggests for the revitalization of their belief. This chapter is divided in two sections First section examines Nursi’s notion of reaching the reality of the Creator through reflection on man’s inner world, the details and benefits of this method have also been outlined. Second section studies another aspect of Nursi’s method of spiritual training which is to raise the faith of individuals by guiding them for different life stages, conditions and behaviors. The difference between spirituality of Nursi and that of Sufism is also highlighted at the beginning of chapter.At the end conclusion, recommendations and further scope for study have been discussed.
Majeed, Shumaila
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Thesis Advisor Name: Dr. Ishtiaq Ahmad Gondal
Majeed [2014] PhD Thesis on Reconstruction of Muslim Society in Nursi's Approach.pdf